Electric school trike

Our daughter is now going to the local public school since we live almost 2 hours round trip to city center, which is where the private school she last attended was. Now she gets to ride in her daddy's e-Trike which he developed as a R & D research project with former Mayor Edward Hagedorn.

It's still going strong and now we use it to take our daughter and her friends to school everyday. We only live 5 minutes by etrike away from her school. Several of the her friends ride with her everyday and we pick up more kids as we go. It makes 3 round trips per day, as Alysha likes to come home for lunch since we live so close.
Our number one assistant Jhun, taking our daughter and her friends to school. This trike prototype was built by local a Palawan  body shop owned by William Russel.  We used some of his mechanics and ours. Dave Dewbre designed the mechanical system and helped Russel with the design based on the roads here and passenger capacity of the 5000 watt motor.
Alsyha is a lucky girl. She gets to share this great ride with some of her friends. They are all amazed how quiet it is and there are no awful diesel or gas emissions to smell.

Etrike mascot, our assistant's doggie, and our daughter on way home for lunch.
Dave Dewbre driving to school to pick up Alysha for lunch.

Our assistant's dog, always has to come in the etrike to pick up Alysha every trip! If we don't bring him, he will run alongside us until we stop!
Here is a short video I too a in 2012 of the etrike scooting up Puerto Princesa National highway at 75 kilometers per hour.


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