Victory Party Manny Pacquiao

Diana Limjoco and Boxing Champion Manny Pacquiao
Dec. 8, 2009
Victory Party for Manny Pacquiao at the home of Deputy NSA Luis and governor of Ilocos Sur, "Chavit" Singon

My parents and I attended the party for Manny Pacquiao the other night. I've been wanting to meet him for the last few years, but my schedule never seemed to fit with the dates of prior parties. One of my best friends, Annette Ablan came over too. My parents decided to drive back that night to Subic instead of taking a hotel room. So Annette came and dropped me off at my hotel after the party was over.

Diana Limjoco, Manny Pacquiao, Govvernor
of Ilocos Sur, Chavit Singson
When I got the invite this time, I just jumped all over it, as I was going to be in Manila anyway to attend to a few business matters, get a medical checkup and do some last minute Christmas shopping.
Annette Ablan and Diana Limjoco

My mom, Helen Limjoco, met Manny and she got her trophy shot with him too. Unfortunately my 90 year old dad, Ramon, who also attended, is legally blind and he couldn't make it through the crush of people who were ganging up on Manny trying to get their shot with him too! Manny was very gracious considering he hardly had a chance to eat in between the people clamoring for his attention.

Later on after some fun entertainment, Manny came out and sang a few songs himself. I didn't even know he liked to sing. It was a blast. I had bought a Manny and Cotto reversible jacket and Manny signed it front and Back!

Manny signed my jacket from the Cotto fight in LV, Nevada
I am not into boxing at all, but Manny is such an Icon and pride of the Philippines, I've been wanting to meet him for quite some time! 
Gov. Chavit Singson, Helen Limjoco- back
Jinke and Manny Pacquiao -front.


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