Adorable rescued kitty
Last week my husband and I were driving along the highway heading to town and in the middle of the road, on the yellow painted divider I saw something tiny moving....after we zipped past it, I realized it was a kitten! I begged my husband to go back, we already have so many rescued animals he wasn't too thrilled about it, but I knew if we came home and I saw it as a splattered ink spot, I would feel guilty all my life about it. So he relented and took me back. There were cars zipping and weaving as we approached it and I thought for sure it was a goner! This is the poor lil guy after I grabbed him from the highway! However we managed to safely pull over about 15 feet away and I ran over to it. The poor thing was so scrawny and thin, it could hardly move! I called to it and it began to stagger over to me! However it wasn't moving fast enough so I ran over to it and picked it up and brought it back to the truck. I had to de-f;ea the lil guy, clean his ears of mites, p...